Cyfeirnod MapSO31NE
Cyfeirnod GridSO3763119089
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
Hen SirSir Fynwy
CymunedLlantilio Crossenny
DisgrifiadSubstantial late-Victorian country mansion of 1883 by the architect Edmund Kirby of Liverpool. The attached Sacred Heart Chapel, also by Kirby, was added in 1885. Kirby was responsible for several RC churches in South Lancashire and Cheshire.
Large late C19 country mansion with attached private Roman Catholic chapel. Snecked rubble with freestone dressings; dentil eaves band and polychrome banding to upper walls; steeply pitched slate roofs with tall axial red-brick chimney stacks and hipped dormers. Two storeys with attic. Windows are mostly horned sashes with large plate-glass panes, but there are a few mullion and transom windows on subsidiary elevations. S front is asymmetrical with main house (left) and additions including chapel (right). House has large polygonal bay window with tall conical roof and lucarne (left) and a large canted bay window with belvedere (right). On ground floor, between these two bays, is a long verandah with tiled roof. Further right is a smaller polygonal bay window, then a projecting gable with triple lancet, and far right the later C19 addition with big off-centre gable. Main entrance is on the N side with doorway set under a bracketed hood in a projecting gabled bay. Set back to left is the hipped roof of the stair tower. On extreme left is later C19 gabled wing incorporating great pyramidal roofed tower with louvred belfry. W elevation has gabled bay to left and polygonal bay of S front to right.
(Source: Cadw Listings database) S Garfi 25/10/06