Cyfeirnod MapSO51SW
Cyfeirnod GridSO5031013760
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
Hen SirSir Fynwy
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, 19eg Ganrif
DisgrifiadMonmouth water powered electricity station was a brick-built, water-turbine-powered generating-station started in 1899 to give a public supply in Monmouth town using the weir and waterchannels of the first forge on the River Monnow which was built in 1628 (nprn 40483). The generating station was used for about 50 years. The main plant had 3 turbines and a 1,100 horse power steam engine. TThe station provided one of the earliest public electricity supplies in Britain; it was also one of the first to generate high voltage. The station closed in 1953 but the building continues in industrial use. The heightened weir 300 yards upstream is still in use as a river regulator.
Source: Sivewright, 54. (Site entry by S.R.Hughes for Buildings of Gwent, John Newman, 2000)
B.A.Malaws, 13 November 2003.