Priory Street Boys' School; National School; Old Priory Buildings, Monmouth

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Cyfeirnod MapSO51SW
Cyfeirnod GridSO5087013010
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
Hen SirSir Fynwy
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, Canoloesol
Stone building originally of C15 date. Former Priors' Lodging, but much altered with later additions. Two storeys, generally in Gothic style with mullioned windows. One oriel window survives intact, generally known as Geoffrey of Monmouth's window.

Associated with:
St Mary's Church (Nprn13001).

Additional Note,
A late C15th fireplace has recently been uncovered at the east end of the hall's south lateral wall, a few feet below the present first-floor. The splayed fireplace is built of three dressed-stones with chamfer moulding to flat head and jambs with broach stops. The moulding has a hollow, fillet, ogee and round and the flat areas are diagonally dressed. The head stone is massive and contains 3 pairs of square holes for fixings or mantle and the splays are of a single stone.
This fireplace is at a slight angle to the hall and appears to be aligned with the wing. Perhaps it once continued into the present hall and heated a smaller room.
The hall retains a number of collar trusses seated on corbels which appear to be C17th, although it presumably had a Victorian re-build.

A 2-storey detached range to east of the hall, at right-angles may have been a kitchen as it has a similar late C15th, plain-chamfered broach stop fireplace in its gable-end, and a very tall stone chimney stack

Visited, Geoff Ward, 13/06/2002.