Customs and Excise Office, Roath Basin, Cardiff Bay

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Cyfeirnod MapST17SE
Cyfeirnod GridST1938874364
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Caerdydd
Hen SirGlamorgan
Math O SafleTOLLTY
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, 19eg Ganrif
This former customs and excise office was built in c.1874?8 prior to the construction of the Customs and Excise Office on Bute Street (NPRN 307739) in 1898. In February 1992, the entire building was moved around 50 metres backwards (to NGR ST1940774352) and realigned in order to accommodate the new promenade. It is neo-Tudor in style, built of Cilgerran stone with sandstone quoining, slate roofs, and stepped gables. It is castellated with crenelated parapets at the top of the building in the off-centre entrance tower to the eastern front. Near the top of the entrance tower are blind heraldic panel on each side ? that on the eastern side is currently obscured by a sign. There are arched horned twelve-pane sash windows. Much of the glazing is twentieth century, although two original windows survived on the south side as late as the 1990s. The large extension to the rear is a much later addition.

(Sources: Cadw Listed Buildings Database; Victorian Society Tour Notes, VS01/16)
A.N. Coward, RCAHMW, 09.07.2018