Disgrifiad1. A number of features within the interior of the moat (Nprn307191), south & east of the incomplete 17th century mansion (Nprn35862), may relate to gardens/landscape features.
A rectangular area, about 30m east-west by 50m, before the mansion, defined by linear earthworks, a current fence and driveway, is biscected by a further linear feature, the whole being set askew to the line of the southern arm of the moat; the area to the east is marked by east-west ridges.
Features to the south of the moat reflect the divisions within, being possibly framed by a continuation of its eastern arm.
A roughly 75m square enclosure, abutting the northern arm of the moat is defined by a decayed hedgeline on the north, the linear earthwork forming its eastern side being overlain by cultivation ridges.
Further linear earthworks, west of the outbuildings to the west of the mansion, may represent further enclosures.
RCAHMW AP95020/53-5
J.Wiles 06.01.04
2. This garden is depicted on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Flintshire XXII, sheet 15 (1899). C.H. Nicholas, RCAHMW, 17th August 2006.