Disgrifiad1. An embanked, round-angled enclosure, about 45-50m square, having an east facing entrance, known from APs & ground survey (Williams & Leighton 1983): examination of APs (OS 73 384/196-7) suggests that overlying cultivation ridges may account for irregularities noted in the 'Roman' form of the enclosure (James 1991, 65-6, note 64).
See Nprn86137 for suggested Roman road.
'Two or three fragments of Roman bricks' have been noted from the mansion grounds (Arber Cooke 1975, 28).
Sources: Arber Cook 1975 'Pages from the History of Llandovery I'.
Williams & Leighton 1983 (AW 23), 32-3;
James 1991 'Roman roads in Carmarthen.' (in James (ed.) 'Sir Gar').
J.Wiles 16.12.03
2. The forlet shows well on Environment Agency 2m LiDAR data for the area. Despite there being several linear and angular geomorphological ridges in the vicinity, the low rectangular earthwork of the fortlet can be clearly seen, measuring 41 x 36m, apparently with central entrance gaps on all sides and prominent corner earthworks. It is aligned with the points of the compass.
T. Driver, RCAHMW, 4th Feb 2013.