DisgrifiadNAR SO26NE3
Slight earthwork fetures include two embanked enclosures, about 250m north-south by 140m overall. These are rectilinear with rounded north-eastern angles and are set upon ground falling to the north & east, to the east of Maes-Treylow house (NPRN 81400).
These features were initially identified from aerial photographs as a Roman fort, an interpretation disallowed following field-work & limited excavation, which produced some late medieval & 16th century material.
The enclosures, which show traces of cultivation marks, are unusual in their regularity & in having rounded angles, and it is possible that they represent garden features associated with the sixteenth-seventeenth century house of Maes-Treylow.
What appears to be a pond complex lies to the east (NPRN 309605). This is fed by a leat (NPRN 309603) running immediately beyond the northernmost enclosure, and may be associated with this site.
Sources: Jarrett 'The Roman Frontier in Wales' 2nd edtion (1969)
Britnell in Britannia 11 (1980), 315-7
J.Wiles 05.12.03