Disgrifiad1. Features apparent on AP immediately north-east of current gardens at Trawscoed: a prominent terrace, cut into natural slopes rising to the south-east, runs for about 70m south-west to north-east, appearing on the to return at right angles to the south-east; a linear feature can be seen running for about 56m north-eastwards from the north-east end of the terrace, enclosing a possible garden area within which other features are apparent: a possible drain/watercourse runs away to the north.
Source: James 1984 (AW 24), 12-24 [24].
Associated with: Trawscoed park/gardens (Nprn265332).
RCAHMW AP955045/67-8; 965119/67
J.Wiles 20.11.03
2. This garden is depicted on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Cardiganshire XI, sheet 13 (1905). C.H. Nicholas, RCAHMW, 11th August 2006.