Disgrifiad1. Features associated with the early 16th century house at Castleton (Nprn18257).
A series of pond bays extending for some 400m east to west along the Rills Valley to the south of the house (Nprn307686).
A enclosure complex, 200m to the east of the house, across a small dell, above the easternmost pond bay (Nprn89360), can be tentetively associated with the house grounds.
A possible terraced garden immediately south of the house is suggested on OS County series (Glamorgan. XLIX.4 1878).
J.Wiles 22.01.03
2. Depicted on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Glamorgan XLIX, sheet 4 (1899). C.H. Nicholas, RCAHMW, 18th August 2006.