Grace Dieu Abbey (Cistercian)

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Cyfeirnod MapSO41SE
Cyfeirnod GridSO4512013110
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
Hen SirSir Fynwy
Math O SafleABATY
Grace Dieu Cistercian abbey was initially founded in 1226, destroyed in 1233 and subsequently reconstituted on a new site, possibly moved once more after troubles in 1276. It was dissolved in 1536.

The final site of the abbey is uncertain, given NGR taken from OS County series (Monmouth. XIV.2 1881); a trial excavation and geophysical survey have concentrated on this site, but the results have been inconclusive (see Nprn400298).

Parc Grace Dieu, across the Troddi (Nprn20565), has been associated with the monastery, the buildings there are late 17th-early 18th century.
(source Os495card; SO41SE19)

Aerial photography shows little besides recent drainage features; a probale leat crossing the site (Nprn400297) and features that can be associated with a later house (Nprn400298). Several parallel linear features, running ENE-WSW across the SE corner of the field to the N, may be associated with the abbey buildings.

RCAHMW AP945053/53-4
J.Wiles 0505.04