Maen Hir

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Cyfeirnod MapSO13NW
Cyfeirnod GridSO1229039580
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Powys
Hen SirBrecknockshire
Math O SafleMAEN HIR
CyfnodYr Oes Efydd
Maen Hir is an erect, but listing, stone, 2.6m high by 0.8m by 0.5m, in use as a rubbing stone (1973).

(source Os495card; SO13NW3)

Aerial photography (RCAHMW AP965093/63) appears to show an incomplete ditched feature, describing an irregular 'D' figure, c.30m E-W by 16m, immediately south of the stone.

J.Wiles 05.11.03