Cyfeirnod MapSO02NW
Cyfeirnod GridSO0443029000
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Powys
Hen SirBrecknockshire
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, Canoloesol
DisgrifiadNAR SO02NW9
A Benedictine priory dependent on Battle, thought to have been established shortly after 1093, dissolved in 1538, subsequently serving as a parish church until constituted as a cathedral 1932: the remains comprise the much restored conventual church (Nprn96574), along with remains of various conventual buildings, including a possible towered gateway (Nprn96202) & the Prior's lodging, possibly with a guest hall (Nprn309174), presently incorporated into 19th century & later building complexes associated with the Cathedral; 'the Almonry', west of the church (Nprn165163), is thought to be medieval in origin: these features are set within a walled precint of medieval origin: the 'tithe barn' (Nprn25110) is thought to be 17th century & later.
Source: RCAHMW 1994 Brecon Cathedral Church - an architectural study.
Associated with:
Medieval & later borough (Nprn32994)
Priory well (Nprn32184).
J.Wiles 12.11.04