Cyfeirnod MapSM92SE
Cyfeirnod GridSM9970023856
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
CyfnodCanoloesol Cynnar, Yr Oes Efydd
DisgrifiadA possible Bronze Age barrow may have been reused as an early medieval ecclesiastical site. In 1904 the Pembroke County Guardian noted that the wall of an old church formerly stood on a mound which is thought to have been a Bronze Age barrow. It was also noted that `in ploughing the field graves had been disturbed, in consequence of which the ploughing was discontinued?, and that a ridge running from the mound and across the adjacent road `was caused by the filling of a hole which occurred there by the falling of a subterranean passage or vault connected to the church?. The possible barrow survives as a low mound, measuring some 20m in diameter and 1m high. The mound was formerly in the centre of a large field known Chapel Park or Chapel Back (possibly a corruption of `bach? meaning little). The field has been subdivided and the mound now lies beneath the boundary. The two portions were, in 1915, referred to as `Church Back? and `Chapel Back? by older parishioners. By that time all traces of any building had vanished. The site was visited in 2002 when a beet crop had been partially planted in the mound itself.
Sources include:
Cambria Archaeology, 2000, Historic Churches Project, Pembrokeshire gazetteer
Cambria Archaeology, 2003, Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Sites Project, Pembrokeshire gazetteer
N Vousden, 16 November 2018