Bedd Taliesin

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Cyfeirnod MapSN69SE
Cyfeirnod GridSN6714091210
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Ceredigion
Hen SirCeredigion
CyfnodCanoloesol Cynnar, Yr Oes Efydd

1. Bedd Taliesin is an Early Bronze Age burial cairn situated on a level shelf below a craggy hill twhich rises to the southeast, an asymmetrical cairn, 12m NNE-SSW by 13m, showing elements of an apparent kerb, c.6.0m in diameter, having a ruinous cist, 2.0m by 0.5m, a displaced capstone, 1.75m by 1.1m lying to the N. Reputedly the early medieval burial place of Taliesin; a large skull was recovered before c.1800.

(source: Briggs 1994 (Cardigan County Hist. I), 177-9, fig37.4)
J.Wiles 21.07.2004

2. Visited in low autumn sunlight on 15th October 2005. Low light reveals historic inscribed graffiti covering the entirety of the surface of the capstone. In places the graffiti is covered with subsequent lichen growth. This constitutes an important component of the site's later history.

T. Driver 2005/10/17. Updated by Toby Driver, RCAHMW, September 2024