Ring Cairn;Brenig 44

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Cyfeirnod MapSH95NE
Cyfeirnod GridSH9834057200
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Denbighshire
Hen SirDenbighshire
CyfnodYr Oes Efydd
The ring cairn at Brenig 44 is a circular bank, measuring c.18m overall diameter, 5.0-6.0m across and up to 1.0m high, and set upon a natural flat-topped promontory. An excavation in 1973, showed that the original structure was a stone ring-bank measuring 21.5m in diameter and 2.0m wide, contained by walls, 0.5m high. Without this and concentric to it, was a ring of 20 postholes, c.25m in diameter; the current bank was set over these features; a number of pits and other features associated with charcoal deposition were noted, several covered by a subrectangular secondary cairn, measuring 3.6m by 2.0m and set against and over the NW internal wall of the original ring. Four cremation deposits, two in-urned were recorded: eleven radio-carbon dates indicated activity between 2179-1880BC & 1318-1072BC.
(source: Lynch 1993 (Exc. Brenig Valley), 117-134, 217-9)
J.Wiles 21.07.04

2. The original ring cairn structure is now visible as part of the archaeological tour. Wooden posts having been placed in the position of the 20 postholes excavated.

Louise Barker, RCAHMW, July 2007