DisgrifiadNAR SH62SW18
A settlement compex, comprising two subcircular & one subrectangular stone walled structures, c.7.5m in diameter & 7.0m N-S by 4.0m respectively; these structures are linked by less substantial walling to form an irregular enclosure, c.30m NNW-SSE by 23m overall: limited excavation, 1956 (Griffiths 1958), produced a limited ceramic assemblage, thought to have been generally of the 2nd C. AD.
Sources: Griffiths 1958 (BBCS 18.1), 119-29;
Bowen & Gresham 1967 Hist. Merioneth I, 187-9.
Associated with:
Field system (Nprn401827).
J.Wiles 11.11.04