Hardings Down East fort is an enclosure, c.134m by 92m, defined by an incomplete circuit of bank and ditch, occupies the summit of Hardings Down. There is a slighter, outer rampart down-slope to the E and the entrance appears to have been on this side - the entrances at the other two defended enclosures on the Down (Nprns301322, 301323) also face downslope.
(source Os495card; SS49SW31)
J.Wiles 08.07.02
LawrlwythoMathFfynhonnellDisgrifiadapplication/pdfRCAHMW ExhibitionsBilingual exhibition panel entitled Morgannwg: Yr Oes Gynhanesyddol Ddiweddar. Glamorgan: Late Prehistoric, produced by RCAHMW, 2009.