DisgrifiadGrounds and gardens associated with St David's Hospital (NPRN 100196), originally the United Lunatic Asylum for Cardigan, Carmarthen, Glamorgan and Pembroke, opened in 1865. Depicted on early editions of the OS County series (Carmarthen. XXXIX.6 1890, 1906). The basic layout appears to have been completed by 1890 although much additional planting had been undertaken by 1906.
The asylum occupies a hilltop site overlooking Carmarthen and is itself overlooked by rising ground to the north-west. The grounds were characterised by sinuous tree-lined drives and paths, sometimes merging with planting screens along the north and western boundaries. Scattered trees in the area south of the asylum could relate to the earlier gentry house of Job's Well that was subsumed into the asylum. To the south-east of Job's Well was a large kitchen garden and the field to the south-west of this also appears to have been part of the grounds. The asylum gas works was south of the kitchen garden (NPRN 309683).
In front of the Italianate asylum buildings were large terraced exercise grounds set either side of a forecourt with iron railings and gates. An Italianate lodge stood at the main entrance.
Sources: Forecourt railings and gates - CADW Listed Buildings Database (82157)
Lodge - CADW Listed Buildings Database (15885)
Job's Well - CADW Listed Buildings Database (82163)
John Wiles 21.11.07
This garden is depicted on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Carmarthenshire XXXIX, sheet 6 (1906). The site is laid out with paths and formal gardens around the buildings, possibly originally planted. Much of the site was scarped and terraced in typical Edwardian fashion, and some of this appears to survive.
C.S.B. 02.09.05