Twyn-y-Gaer Camp

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Cyfeirnod MapSO22SE
Cyfeirnod GridSO2939021950
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
Hen SirSir Fynwy
CyfnodYr Oes Haearn
Twn-y-Gaer Camp is a strongly embanked and ditched enclosure occupying the summit of an isolated and dramatic hill. It is an elongated oval in plan, roughly 226m by 84m, defined by a rampart with a ditch and counterscarp bank, except on the south where the hillslopes are at their steepest. There is a single inturned east-facing entrance. The interior is divided by two lines of east-facing ramparts and ditches, each with a central entrance.

Excavation, from 1965, showed that the more easterly subdivision was the eastern front of the earliest enclosure. This enclosed an area of roughly 0.7ha. A second phase saw the enclosure expanded to its full extent, enclosing an area of about 1.54ha. In the final phase the enclosure was reduced to the part west of the western, stone-revetted, subdivision, an area of roughly 0.4ha.
Finds included some pottery, including salt containers, iron and copper alloy objects, including brooches, glass beads, querns and iron working debris. The occupation producing this material had ended by the Roman period.

Source: Probert 1976 'Twyn-y-Gaer: an interim assessment', in Wesh Antiquity (eds. Boon and Lewis), 105-19.

RCAHMW AP94-CS 0556-7
RCAHMW AP945073/67-70; 945074/41

J.Wiles, RCAHMW, 14 March 2007.