Rhos-Crug Hill, Enclosure I

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Cyfeirnod MapSO17SE
Cyfeirnod GridSO1690073360
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Powys
Hen SirRadnorshire
Math O SafleLLOC
1. Enclosure with internal features identified on RAF aerial photograph CPE/UK/1873_6064 taken on 4th December 1946.

2. The enclosure was located along the line mapped by RCAHMW from aerial photographic sources. The site is defined by an earth bank 2m-3m wide and up to 0.5m high. It runs N from the common boundary to SO 16837339, where it turns E and curves around the broad hollow above a platform group. It ends at a broad stream gully, possibly originally a track leading up onto the common. The site is almost certainly associated with the platform group and therefore likely to be a medieval or early post-medieval encroachment or stock enclosure. Overall area 150m E/W by 90m.
R. Hankinson, CPAT, 19th January 2006