Castell Prysor, Rectangular Structure

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Cyfeirnod MapSH73NE
Cyfeirnod GridSH7580936899
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Gwynedd
Hen SirMerioneth
Math O Safle
Castell Prysor is a ruinous rectangular building, divided into two unequal parts, and roofless by 1890 (OS map depiction). This is unlikely to be the 'ruined cottage with fireplace hood', which was only derelict in 1951 (Hemp 1951, 86).

The building rests upon what appears to be an earlier platform, 25m by 8.5m, set into a south-east facing slope; it is part of the complex associated with Castell Prysor (NPRN 308964).

Source: Hemp in Archaeologia Cambrensis 101 (1951), 84-6

John Wiles 09.07.07