Cyfeirnod MapSN87NW
Cyfeirnod GridSN8420077560
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Ceredigion
Hen SirCeredigion
Math O SafleCWT HIR
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, Modern
DisgrifiadThe ruins of a three-bay rectilinear building are located on the west side of the deep cutting of the Afon Diliw, close to its edge, and just outside a forestry plantation.
The remains comprise the wall-footings and collapsed walls of two small end-compartments either side of a larger central one, much of the detail obscured by rubble. Overall the building measured 16.8m (NNW-SSE) by 4m. The north bay measures internally 3.1m (N-S) by 2m-2.5m, end wall 0.8m thick. The middle bay 6.6m (N-S) by 3.2m, north partition wall 0.8m thick, west wall 0.9m thick, east wall collapsed/absent. The south bay measures 3m (N-S) by 2.5m-3m, north partition wall 0.75m thick with much rubble piled against it. At its north end there are traces of a possible fourth compartment suggested by a short length of walling extending the west long wall of the building.
The most prominent walls are those which separate the compartments and they stand to about 0.9m high. Entrance gaps are not obvious and the east side of the structure is largely absent or vestigial, perhaps having collapsed though erosion of the river cutting. The interior is strewn with piles of overgrown rubble interspersed with wet patches.
The building appears on the second edition OS six-inch map but not the first though it is clearly far older than that, belonging to the early post-medieval longhut tradition. Whether or not more than one phase of construction is represented is unclear as much rubble obscures wall footings, and the east long wall is all but absent. The west side is flanked by a ditch of an enclosure bank which is now the forestry boundary.
David Leighton, RCAHMW, 22 July 2013