Pen Plynlimon Fawr, South Cairn

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Cyfeirnod MapSN78NE
Cyfeirnod GridSN7893086860
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Ceredigion
Hen SirCeredigion
1. One of three cairns upon a summit area (see Nprn303678), c.16m in diameter & 2.4m high, topped by a modern cairn. Possible laid-facing has been noted on the W side.
(source Os495card; SN78NE9)
RCAHMW AP955040/44-5
J.Wiles 16.01.04

2. Bronze age round barrow on the summit of Pumlumon Fawr (DAT SMR, 1987).

3. The southernmost and best preserved cairn on Pen Plynlimon-fawr. It is 55ft in diameter and about 10ft in height, including a modem cairn on top. There is a doubtful trace of a short length of laid-facing on the west. The site remains much as described by the OS except that a modern shelter has appeared on the NE side and a fence erected across the eastern edge. There is now no trace of laid facing. The cairn appears to be founded on a natural boss of rock. The very top has been altered slightly since my 1988 visit, but the cairn is otherwise unchanged. A short length (c. 0.5m) on the west appears as if constructed of drystone walling, with the stones laid flat above one another; this may be the laid facing reported by OS, but the effect appears fortuitous to me. These cairns are visible from the next summit to the east, where there are traces of further unscheduled cairns, but not from the intervening saddle; they are also visible from Pen Plynlimon Arwystii beyond (Cd 35). They dominate the view of the range from many directions to the west. (CADW Scheduling description, 1993.

4. Approximately 5m high x 12m diameter. Stone scatter surrounds base. R.S. Jones, Cambrian Archaeological Projects, 2004.