Cyfeirnod MapSH78SE
Cyfeirnod GridSH7886582150
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Conwy
Hen SirSir Gaernarfon
Math O SafleGWESTY
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, 19eg Ganrif
DisgrifiadThe Hydropathic Establishment - a hotel with facilities for water cures - was built in 1860 at the eastern end of Neville Crescent. It was greatly extended in the late nineteenth-early twentieth century, as is shown on early editions of OS County series (Caernarvon. II.13 1889, 1900, 1912). By 1912 it had been extended over two houses in the Crescent and a third (No. 10: NPRN 16594) has more recently been subsumed. Now the 'Hydro Hotel'.
The original Eastablishment was a four storey block on the corner of The Parade and Tudor Road. It is touched by the Venetian(?) style, with elaborate window openings and a blind arcaded attic storey beneath an overhanging cornice. Its facades are roughcast, framed by corner pilasters and stringcourses, and it has a hipped slate roof. There is a larger, less coordinated, range on the south facing Tudor Street. By 1912 a grandiose 'Free Renaissance' style block had been added on the west. This is four storeys high, rising to pediments and an exuberant tower.
Unusually amonst the hotels of Llandudno the Establishment occupied only half of its original plot, the remainder presumably being a garden or exercise ground. The OS Town Plan of 1889 shows what appears to be a walled kitchen garden with glasshouses, to the rear across a lane. This is likely to have been an Establishment adjunct.
Source: CADW Listed Buildings Database (3459)
John Wiles 08.05.07