Cyfeirnod MapSN00NW
Cyfeirnod GridSN0493107044
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Benfro
Hen SirSir Benfro
Math O SafleGARDD
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, Canoloesol
Disgrifiad1. Castle-like structure, probable home of Barlows, said to have produced medieval tiles. Remarkably like Ruperra, and reminiscent of the towered formal gardens. Garden 'stretched beyond the north wall [castle], an almost square enclosure with a pleasant river frontage.
Inventory 1925, no884.
CSB 25 xi 99
See also NPRN 21834 (building)
RCAHMW AP945033/51-2
2. On the First Edition OS 25 inch map the area to the N is laid out with paths as if a productive garden. This is not depicted on the 2nd edition.
C.S.Briggs. 20.10.05
3. This garden is depicted on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Pembrokeshire XXXIV, sheet 12 (1907). C.H. Nicholas, RCAHMW, 25th August 2006.