Black Boy Inn

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Cyfeirnod MapSH46SE
Cyfeirnod GridSH4785262862
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Gwynedd
Hen SirSir Gaernarfon
Math O SafleTAFARN
A C17 house built in several phases, all probably of the C17. The first phase was probably the main range and rear wing on the R side. A separate rear wing was also added on the L side, while an additional wing, with its gable end facing the street, was added against the L gable end of the main range. The fenestration was altered in the C19, subsequent to which in the late C19 or early C20 the windows were replaced with leaded lights.

The main doorway leads into an original through passage. This has a round-headed niche on the R-hand side, beyond which is a C17 round-headed doorway now reduced. The main range has detail of the late C17. In the lower storey are cross-beams with run-out stops. A fireplace in the R-hand room has a timber lintel. A C19 open-well stair with plain balusters and square newels is in the central rear wing. In the middle storey are plainer ceiling beams. The original R-hand rooms in the middle and attic storeys have fireplaces with wooden lintels. Collar-beam roof trusses are retained to the main range and rear wings.

A 2?-storey inn of whitened render over rubble stone, and slate roof hipped at the L end, and brick stacks to the L of centre and R end. The main range is 7-window and to its L is a 2-window gabled wing in line, all with windows renewed in earlier openings. The main range has a central doorway that has a boarded door with false strap hinges, and overlight beneath a bracketed and gabled hood. It is flanked by 3 windows in the lower storey, while in the upper storey are 2 windows each side aligned with the outer lowe-storey windows, and an additional window is above the doorway. A wide hipped roof-dormer L of centre has three 2-light casements. A doorway in the L-hand wing has a gabled slate-covered hood on brackets, and boarded door with false strap hinges. Its attic window has been enlarged.

The rubble-stone rear has 3 gabled wings, of which the R-hand is set back with roughcast wall and the L-hand projecting forward. Windows are enlargements, although the central gable retains 2 wooden lintels in the upper and attic storeys. Set back against the R (N) gable end is a wing added C20.

Listed as a rare surviving C17 building in the walled town, retaining early interior detail, and for its contribution to the historic integrity of the walled town.

RCAHM Wales, An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Caernarvonshire, ii, 1960, p 156, fig 110.

Source:- Cadw listed buildings NJR 07/06/2007