Cwm Cwareli, Longhouse III

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Cyfeirnod MapSO02SE
Cyfeirnod GridSO0571821864
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Powys
Hen SirBrecknockshire
Math O SafleTŶ HIR
CyfnodÔl-Ganoloesol, Canoloesol
The wall bases of a substantial longhouse are visible at this site, standing on an artificial platform terraced into the gentle slope on the eastern side of Cwm Cwareli. The platform measures 22m x 8m on an east-southeast by west-northwest long axis. The western, downslope end of the terrace is defined by a stone revetment wall. The wall bases of the longhouse sit neatly on the platform and show that the building was c.18m long x 8m wide. They are c.1m wide and up to 0.3m high and appear to have a stone content, although the detail is obscured by thick grass, bilberry and heather growth. There is evidence that there is a step down in floor level some 6m from the western end of the building, which may indicate that it had at least two cells, with different floor levels, hence it is considered to be a longhouse. It has been recorded as part of deserted rural settlement NPRN 275642, and enclosure NPRN 246098 lies 40m to the east southeast. J.J. Hall, Trysor, 28 June 2008.