DisgrifiadThis is a three storey range attached to the east side of Llanelly House, a grand early eighteenth century mansion (see NPRN 17510). It is thought that the building was originally a service range. If this was the case then its division into two properties was a later developement, possibly in the early nineteenth century when the mansion itself was subdivided.
The building consits of two parallel ranges. The front range facing Bridge Street has two similar shopfronts on the ground floor. There are three windows on both of the rendered upper floors, two to No. 6 and one to No. 8. These are all sashes except for a later nineteenth century first floor oriel window to No. 6. This front range has basement and a slate gabled roof. The two storey rear wing has a lean-to roof.
Source: NMR Site File
CADW Listed Buildings Database (11897-8)
John Wiles 23.11.07