DisgrifiadNAR SO11 NE 8
An early seventeenth century longhouse. The walls are of rubble, once limewashed, and the roof is slate-hung.
At the southern end is a two storey block with attic, the northern range has a single storey and attic, as does the rather lower eastern wing. The south block comprises a hall with two inner chambers. The hall has a massive chimney at its north end, behind which is a stair to the upper storey. It is entered from a cross-passage at the end of the lower, north range. This range was originally the cowhouse, but was converted into a kitchen with offices in the late seventeenth or early eighteenth century.
The house faces west. The original doorway has been partly blocked and replaced by a smaller door. Its lintel remains. The windows have stone sills and wooden lintels.
Source: CADW Listed Buildings Database (6655)
Associated with: Barn (NPRN 31256)
John Wiles 05.02.07