Tabernacle Primitive Methodist Chapel, Victoria Street, Abergavenny

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Cyfeirnod MapSO21SE
Cyfeirnod GridSO2957014300
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Sir Fynwy
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Abergavenny Primitive Methodist Chapel was built in 1830. In the 1851 Religious Census it is recorded as having seating for 184, with the averages attendances being 36 (plus 32 Sunday School scholars) in the morning and 44 in the afternoon Sunday School and 90 in the evening service.

The chapel is a rectangular, gable entry chapel with the main gabled facade to the street. The facade is stuccoed and painted; the 1974 listing description included corner pilasters, but these appear to have been removed. The central double doorway has a basket arched head containing an overlight with Gothic tracery. Flanking this are two full-height, round-headed, windows with 16 over 16 panes and intersecting tracery to the heads. The pediment has a plaque inscribed 'TABERNACLE PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL ERECTED 1830'.

This building is now in use as a Salvation Army Citadel and Grade II Listed.

RCAHMW, November 2018