DisgrifiadNAR SN60NW6
This enclosure remains much as it was when last visited by the Royal Commission in 1961. It occupies a summit position and is defined by a natural scarp on the NW but elsewhere by a low stony bank reduced to an outer scarp for most of its circuit; traces of an inner scarp are visible in one or two places.
The enclosure is D-shaped and measures 90m (SW-NE) by 65m, an area of 0.5ha. The enclosing bank averages about 3m wide rising to no more than 0.5m high.
It became clear during the examination of this monument that it is superimposed by a field system of later, but unknown, date, comprising banks and cultivation ridges. A separate record has been made of these features.
visited DKL 2 February 1992
RCAHMW AP955069/54