Monmouth including views of the Castle; Great Castle House; Drybridge House Walled Garden and Chippenham Commom. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 15th April 2015.Opsiynau lawrlwytho a prynu
NPRNTeitlMath O SafleArchifauDelweddauNPRN265952TeitlDrybridge House Walled Garden, Rockfield Road, MonmouthMath O SafleGARDD PLASTY GWLEDIGArchifau6Delweddau2NPRN266091TeitlChippenham Common, MonmouthMath O SafleMAES HAMDDENArchifau7Delweddau4NPRN33172TeitlMonmouthMath O SafleTREFArchifau159Delweddau104NPRN36568TeitlGreat Castle House, Castle House Barracks, MonmouthMath O SafleArchifau108Delweddau30NPRN93473TeitlMonmouth CastleMath O SafleCASTELLArchifau85Delweddau23