Short Sunderland I T9044

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6416543TitleRCEX_025_03 - RCAHMW ExhibitionsLevelItemDescriptionBilingual exhibition panel entitled Adennill Hanes o'r Mor; Reclaiming Histroy from the Sea produced by RCAHMW 2013.MediumText, Photo.ImagesnArchive Number6378950TitleWACS04_01_007 - Wessex Archaeology Coal and Slate Wrecks Maritime Survey ArchiveLevelItemDescriptionSide scan sonar image of Short Sunderland Mk 1 T9044 gathered by Wessex Archaeology in April 2010. The aircraft lies with its nose to the west.MediumPhoto.ImagesyArchive Number6378951TitleWACS04_01_008 - Wessex Archaeology Coal and Slate Wrecks Maritime Survey ArchiveLevelItemDescriptionSide scan sonar image of Short Sunderland Mk 1 T9044 gathered by Wessex Archaeology in April 2010. A large section of the wing extends to the south.MediumPhoto.Imagesy