Garreg Hir Standing Stone

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Cyfeirnod MapSN78SW
Cyfeirnod GridSN7037083510
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Ceredigion
Hen SirCeredigion
Math O SafleMAEN HIR
CyfnodYr Oes Efydd
The 'long stone' is a fine, leaning standing stone standing 2.2m high, 1.0m broad and 0.7m thick. It is likely to be an early Bronze Age ritual monument but could also be interpreted as a marker for a long distance prehistoric trackway. Simon Timberlake has suggested that this, and other standing stones to the west and east, mark the line of a longer Bronze Age trackway coming up from the coast, via Clarach, Gogerddan and Penrhyncoch, and climbing into the foothills around Plynlimon passing other standing stones (see: Timberlake, S., 2001. Mining and prospection for metals in Early Bronze Age Britain: making claims within the archaeological landscape. In: Bruck, ed., Bronze Age Landscapes: Tradition and Transformation. Oxbow, 179-192.).

T. Driver, RCAHMW